Friday, March 22, 2013


I have been responding to feedback throughout the course on my blog. I have found the responses that I have received to be very helpful in the creation of my blog as well as the development of my knowledge about multimedia and creating instructional tools. I have found the feedback to very useful because others bring up valid points that I do not necessary think of while I create my posts. The feedback enhances my learning experience and allows me to reflect more deeply upon my work.

I have found the mini art school to be extremely helpful in the development of my knowledge of this course. Rather, than just reading about design principles and elements, it was super useful to actually use and manipulate software to learn about the elements for myself. It was so much more helpful to actually do the assignments that the books discussed rather than just read about the principles. I enjoyed creating my own pieces of "art" that demonstrated the concepts discussed in this course and it will prolong my learning as well as enhance my instruction. I would like to apply these concepts to my teaching to ensure that my students are receiving the best instruction possible. 

I found this graphic on pinterest that I thought would be of note to this class:

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mini Art School 4

I had a lot of technological glitches with this post :(
This is my storyboard: