Friday, February 8, 2013

Mini Art School #1

Hi everyone!

I had a lot of fun creating the visual and design aspects of this blog that you will get to see. It was great for me to actually use the software and create visuals using the design rules that I have read about in the texts for this week's class.
Assignment 1
For the first part of this blog post, I went to one of my favorite blogging websites, and critiqued it's graphic design according to the "Ten Web Design Rules that You Can Break," from the website Webdesigner Depot that was linked to our eCollege course page. I created a screen-cast, using the software "Screencast o matic." I  have previously used this software and find it very easy to operate and access.

Here is the link to my screen cast!

Assignment 2
For the second part of this week's blog post, I decided to do the assignment, "Design Basics Index: Decisive Design Presentation exercise"  on page 71 in the text. For this assignment, I had to draw a variety of borders and within those borders create sketches using geographic designs. I created my drawing on my iPad using the application, "Doodle Buddy." I experimented with the type of brush I used (size, type...etc.) and the effects that were available in the program (glitter and smudge.) Experimenting with this program provided me with a wonderful activity to see how my iPad can be used to create various aspects of graphic design, especially the initial stages. (Unfortunately, I am not the most artistic individual so please excuse my drawing if it looks like it was done by a five year old---it was me.)
It was very interesting to see how I could use the various tools within this program to create a graphic design. It was also very easy to export and send, which is something very important that I would like in a design software. This aspect of the assignment allowed me to be creative and use my iPad for a different purpose (rather than browsing on Facebook or pinning on Pinterest)

Assignment 3
For the third section of this blog post, I decided to create the "Design Basic Index: Harmony Exercise,"  which was listed on page 58-9 of the text. For this section, I decided to create three various posters for a summer music festival. I chose my type of music to be techno or house music because it carries a stigma for using bold graphic design in it's advertisements and shows. I used the program, Microsoft Publisher, to create my posters. I have not had too much experience using design software so I was not comfortable using other software products. (I tried to use the software Gimp, but as I was very confused.) I am hoping to be able to use other types of software to create more designs in the future. As I started creating with this software, I became very comfortable with the idea of creating design and I started becoming more creative with my work. As one can see, as my progression of designs grows, so does my creativity (I hope.)


  1. Hi Louise,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog, and I saw your critique for I liked the screencast for the website, great job! I think the software is great to use when students need guidance on how to use certain technology or shown how to use a webpage. I also use Microsoft Publisher because I am more comfortable using it and so used to using it all the time. While using new and other software can too be confusing and frustrating. I liked your flyers and how colorful and creative it came out!


    1. Hi Marisol-
      Thank you for your comment! I definitely think screencasts are so awesome to use with students -- especially language learners. For me, in ESL I would use them to help the students learn how to use various websites and they would be able to control the screencast. I thought the screencast would be a great way to critique design and I am also familiar with this technology. I just recently learned how to use publisher..I tried to use gimp but it was an epic fail! haha Thank you so much for your nice post!

  2. Hey Louise,
    The harmany thing you've done is awesome. It brings out the theme of Neon Lights nicely. Your screencast was also entertaining and well done. It feels like a professional critique =D
    It is also good that you chose to do a drawing on the ipad that shows a that you are not awesome at everything =P, love the multiple different colors though ^0^.

    ~ Matt

    1. Hahaha Thank you Matt-- I am definitely not awesome at everything. Drawing and art is definitely not one of my strongest suits. I had fun trying though and using my iPad in a different way. I really like working with screencasts and I think they could be so useful in the field of teaching languages.
      Thanks again!

  3. Hi Louise,

    Bravo on stepping up this week's assignment by creating a screencast to discuss the various design rules that were adhered to and/or broken via the site. You did an excellent job explaining the background of the website. I'd never heard of this website before viewing your screencast, so the additional information was definitely helpful for understanding the content, layout, and features of -- nicely done!

    You are the FIRST student I've had create a screencast for this particular assignment, which was also a nice change of pace!
    It was interesting to see how you utilized your iPad to complete your second activity for this post -- again, I've never had anyone use the iPad to complete these activities -- I'm used to hand drawings, Paint, or MSWord designs. It's interesting to see the limitations associated with graphic design elements drawn on via an iPad app. It was certainly useful to see how the different brush tips affected the drawings you developed. I'm glad to see that you were willing to experiment with the tools, even if it looked like a child had drawn them. That may be true, but anyone who has used an iPad to draw before knows how difficult it can be to create with your finger or via a stylus (depending upon the app). Have you used the Paper 53 app before? I like that one for drawing, though I don't use it often, I feel that it has the cleanest lines for drawing. It is one that you have to PAY for if you want the more advanced tools (which I purchased for about 6 dollars in total).

    Gimp is definitely complicated for new users in my opinion. I logged into it not too long ago myself to test out its features and I felt overwhelmed -- I ended up using other software that I was more familiar with and felt more intuitive. I think Gimp is one of those programs that just requires a lot of "sit and tinker" time, which wasn't an option for me with that project deadline.
    Thanks for taking the time to explain your methods and tool use with each exercise.

    Really nicely done!
    Prof H

  4. Thank you so much Professor Holan! I am so glad that you liked my post- it required me to step a bit outside my comfort zone but I am glad it worked. I felt that a screencast would enable me to clearly convey my thoughts and feelings about the design of the website (Hellogiggles) and I would be able to vocally pinpoint the design elements and rules that were either violated or adhered to. I am not an artistic or creative person at all and I felt that my iPad would allow me to experiment with various apps and create something a little bit different- albeit immature. I have never used the paper 53 app but I will definitely be looking into the other graphic design apps that may be in the App Store.
    I used to know how to use photoshop, but unfortunately after many years of not using it--I have totally forgotten how to use it! I am trying to remember the skills that I used to have, however it has been quite a while for me. I did not have the same "sit and tinker" option with gimp (just like you). I saw how complex it was and I quit. I decided Publisher would be the best way to go.

    Thank you so much for your support and comments! :)
